Better Streets MKE, Vol. 6
Event season has begun
It feels like it’s been a long, slow spring, but things are starting to heat up. There’s a host of events in the next couple of weeks, and orange barrels dot the landscape.
Upcoming Events
Indeed We Can Bublr Bikes Benefit
Come celebrate Spring and Milwaukee’s nonprofit bikeshare. Tickets available online.
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Indeed Brewing Company
530 S 2nd St
Transit: GRE, 15, 18, 20
Bublr station at the corner of Virginia and 2nd.
East North Ave. Neighborhood Walk and Design Presentation
Alderman Jonathan Brostoff is inviting area neighbors and stakeholders to participate in a neighborhood walk and presentation regarding the redesign of the East North Ave. corridor. This is a significant project with the potential to reshape the area, which is within the pedestrian high injury network. If you are able to attend and support it, please do!
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023
Neighborhood Walk - 4:30 p.m.
Presentation – 6:00 p.m.
Cambridge Commons
2323 N. Cambridge Ave.
Transit: GRE, 21, 14
Bublr station at North and Cambridge
Downtown Plan Open House
This is the final PIM for the new downtown plan, a draft of which was released two weeks ago.
Thursday, May 11th, 2023
3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Third Street Market Hall
275 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Nearby Transit: The Hop, Bublr, Green Line, 14, 30, Gold Line, 57, 15, 18, 19, 80, 12, 34, 31
Reimagining WIS 175
This is the first public involvement meeting for this project, and will focus on existing conditions and community priorities for the re-imagined design of 175. There’s also an online portal for submitting comments.
Thursday, May 11th, 2023
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Washington Park Senior Center
4420 W Vliet St
Nearby Transit: The Hop, Bublr, Green Line, 14, 30, Gold Line, 57, 15, 18, 19, 80, 12, 34, 31
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Meetings are open to the public and held on the third Friday of the month. You can sign up for updates on meetings and agendas via e-Notify.
Friday, May 19, 2023
8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Zeidler Municipal Building, 5th floor
Virtual Meeting link
Transit: 15, 18, 57, GRE
3 blocks or less from the 14, 19, 30, 33, and GOL.
Bublr station on Van Buren St. near Water St.
Tour de Playgrounds - Tosa
Tour de Playgrounds is a kid-focused slow roll ride from playground to playground. This is the first TdP event of 2023, passing through several playgrounds in East Tosa. RSVP online and follow Better Streets on Eventbrite for news about other TdP events this summer and fall. Want to bring TdP to your neighborhood but not sure where to start? Email Anna—
Sunday, May 21st, 2023
2:00 p.m.
Roosevelt Elementary School
2535 N 73rd St, Wauwatosa
Transit: 21, 22
Critical Mass
A (fun!) monthly no-drop bike ride, with a fabulous website. Rolling out 6:00 pm sharp.
Friday, May 26th, 2023
Rolling out 6:00 pm sharp
Red Arrow Park
920 N Water St
Transit: GREEN, 15, Hop, 57, 18, 33, 19, 30, GOLD, 14
National Avenue PIMs
Nearly the entire length of National Avenue will be rebuilt in the next several years This project has a similar timeline as the very likely expansion project of I-94. While these two projects are not officially connected, the similar construction timelines and drivers of traffic mean that these are deeply connected roadways. Initial designs are not out yet, but City and DOT staff have indicated to the public and stakeholders that a substantial change is in the works. The public needs to show up and support the safest, most multi-modal-friendly versions of these designs, while pushing the project team to always do more. National could truly be a transformative street rebuild stretching for miles, impacting tens of thousands, and offering a remarkable setting-of-the-bar for other areas of the city. Let’s make it the best it can be.
Thursday, June 8th, 2023
6:00 - 7:00 pm
MATC on National Ave
Transit: 18; walkable from GREEN and 20
Saturday, June 10th, 2023
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
MATC on National Ave
Transit: 18; walkable from GREEN and 20
Eyes on Projects
Curious about a project? Check out Engage MKE
There are many road projects happening in Milwaukee. To learn more about them, check out Engage MKE. This resource is a good place to start for understanding the major projects occurring in Milwaukee. Now that the holidays are behind us, we’ll expect more updates and ways to get involved in some of these projects, so it’s a good time to brush up. Projects include:
Oklahoma Avenue Multimodal Improvements
A final design has been proposed for this project. There are a number of really great improvements, but the bicycle facilities are unfortunately fragmented and the protected segments are limited to 4 blocks in the middle. Comments can still be left on this design.
This is a one question survey on whether you generally support expanding the trail going east (Recommended: Yes)